Pionex provides the virtual currency automatic trading function as a service.
You can combine multiple automated trading bots such as Grid Trading Bot, Leveraged Grid Bot, and Arbitrage Bot to build automated trading logic.
Necessary preparation
・ Environment that can send virtual currency (You can send virtual currency acquired at Japanese exchanges such as Bitflyer and Coincheck, and virtual currency of overseas exchanges such as Binance)
Visit the Pionex site and create an account
・ Set your email and password, enter the ReferalCode (no change required), and press the send button.
・ A one-time password will be sent to your email address. Enter the password in the verification code field and press the send button.
If the Pionex account creation is successful, you will be automatically logged in and the following screen will be displayed.
・ Send crypto currency stored on other exchanges to Pionex.
・ In my case, I will send Ethereum that was laid down on Bitflyer.
After tens of minutes, I confirmed that it was reflected in Pionex. (In my case, I sent 1 ETH)
Arbitrage Bot
If you select the trading menu on the upper left of Pionex, a screen like this will be displayed.
Select a trading currency pair from the menu on the right.
First, get USDT in Manual.
Fund the Pionex automated trading bot with the USDT you get.
Confirmed that it was reflected in the Pionex automatic trading bot (created by Spot-Futures Arbitrage).
The following screen is displayed by pressing the detail button.
The situation after half a day.
If you select the transaction menu on the upper left, a screen like this will be displayed.
Convert ETH to USDT to create Pionex bots
-In “Trading Bot”, select “Grid Trading” and press the Create button.
-Pionex Bot for grid trading has been added.
・ Regular confirmation
After that, we will manage it while deciding whether to rebalance the portfolio while checking regularly.
In the end
Pionex provides the virtual currency automatic trading function as a service.
You can combine multiple trading bots such as Grid Trading Bot, Leveraged Grid Bot, and Arbitrage Bot to build automated trading logic.
I will publish the results of the bot created above in the future.